Cherry Hill Concerts

Books, CDs, and DVDs

Alice Vaiden Williams CD

Taken from the only known recording made by Alice Vaiden Williams during her successful years in New York as a composer and pianist. Two original songs are included, with the soprano and tenor soloists accompanied by Alice Vaiden. Cherry Hill has an annual endowed concert in honor of this talented relative of the Alstons whose rising career was cut short by an automobile accident in 1946.

Price $10.68 (includes tax), $15.00 if mailed

Cherry Hill – The Dream in the Fork DVD

An 18-minute video that relates the past and present story of Cherry Hill and also reveals future hopes and plans for this unique property from the antebellum glory days of historic Warren County.

Price $17.08 (includes tax), $20.00 if mailed
The House Marina Built

Written by the highly-respected Catherine Bishir with numerous photographs by Elizabeth Matheson, this book tells of the building of the house and of the Alston family members who lived there.

Price $21.35 (includes tax), $25.00 if mailed

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Copyright © 2009 Cherry Hill Historical Foundation, Inc.