Posted on: October 29th, 2023

            Classical guitarist Joseph Pecoraro and flutist Tadeu Coelho will perform at Cherry Hill on SATURDAY Nov. 4th. The program will begin at 3:00 PM and admissions will be taken at the door. Adult admission will be $10, students will be $5, and all children 12 and under will be admitted at no charge. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS CONCERT WILL BE ON SATURDAY.

            Mr. Pecoraro is recognized as a highly accomplished concert and recording artist, teacher, and author. He has performed all over the world and appears with regularity in many American cities. In 1998 Mr. Pecoraro joined the artist-faculty of the University of North Carolina School of the Arts as a full-time professor of guitar. He teaches graduate, college and high school guitar majors. Previously he held teaching positions at Salem College, Indiana University, and the University of Colorado. His UNCSA students have won top prizes in regional and national solo and concerto competitions and have distinguished themselves as active performers, teachers, and recording artists.

            Dr. Coelho has been a Resident Artist and Professor of Flute at the North Carolina School of the Arts since the fall of 2002. Prior to his UNCSA tenure he taught at the University of New Mexico, the University of Iowa, and as Visiting Professor at the Mirkovich Music Academy in Croatia. He frequently appears as soloist, chamber musician and master clinician throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas.  He received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the Manhattan School of Music and currently serves on the Board of Directors at the National Flute Association.

            Among the works to be played on Saturday will be music of Satie, Debussy, Bach, Piazzola and Ibert.

                        Refreshments will be served following the program. The entirety of the 1858 home, listed on the National Register, will be open to visitors. For further information visit or telephone 252-257-5259 or 919-494-5472.

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